Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Winter Weather and Office Hours

The office will be closed tomorrow, Thursday, February 26th due to the upcoming winter storm.  We are expected to get anywhere from 6-12 inches of snow during the evening hours into the early morning.  Please continue to check you local TV or radio stations for updates as to weather and road conditions.

Please keep the drives ways on the property clear as well.  We are having our landscapers coming to plow and we want to make it as accessible as possible for them to clear the property.

We will also be monitoring the road conditions and will hopefully be back in the office on Friday, February 27th.  

Please be safe, and thank you for you patience during this winter storm.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

National Night Out 2014

National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for anti crime programs. It strengthens the neighborhood spirit and police-community partnerships, and it sends a message to criminals letting them know that neighborhoods or organized and fighting back.

Please join the Poplar Place team along with members of the Carrboro Police Department on Tuesday, 8/5/2014 from 5pm to 7pm. This is a chance to meet your neighborhood police and ask any questions you may have.

For more information about National Night Out go to: