Wednesday, October 10, 2012


On Wednesday, October 24th, we invite everyone to attend our Community/Safety Meeting here at the Poplar Place clunhouse.  We will have a member of the police here to speak to everyone and answer questions regarding safety, the recent crime in the area and what you can do to help prevent crime from happening to you.  We really encourage everyone to attend to get all the up to date information.  Remember, this is a great opportunity to have your questions answered by a police officer as he will be here for all of you that night. 

The time of the meeting will be from 6pm unitl 7:30pm, and there will be snacks provided.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Rent Reminder

Just a reminder that tomorrow, 10/5/2012,  is the last day to pay rent before late fees are added.  You can pay in the rental office or pay online.

Thank you!

Monday, October 1, 2012


When: Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Where: The Poplar Place Clubhouse

Please join us for some goulish games, freaky fun and frightening food.  There will also be a prize given for the best costume! 

Please RSVP to 919-967-0955 or just stop by the leasing office.

Hope to see all of you there!!!