Tuesday, September 6, 2011


As you know we are happy to accept packages in our office for you.  For the most part we have not had many lost packages over the years.  In efforts to lessen the chance of mistakes we are changing how packages are picked up.

Our package system will change October 1, 2011.  To pick up your package you will need to provide a photo ID.  This is required for everyone.  Even if your my Great-aunt Betty, you need a photo ID to pick up a package. 

Roommates and Spouses will not be able to pick up packages for each other.  Sorry!

This is to ensure privacy and streamline the package system to make things better, not to inconvenience anyone.

Please remember, we are happy to deliver small packages to your home!  If you call us before 4pm on weekdays we will put your package in your foyer for you.  The name must match the apartment number and lease to be delivered.

Thank you,
Ann Dyer