Tuesday, October 4, 2011

It's that time of year!
Please test your heat in the next few weeks before it becomes really cold outside.
Report any possible heat issues to our office.

When you first turn on your heat you may notice a burning smell. This is caused by dust that has settled over the months of nonuse. That smell is normal and will go away with regular use of your heat. When you do test your heat, let it run for a few hours.

When using your heat, remember to "set it and forget it!" Keeping your thermostat at one constant temperature all day, verses turning it down when you leave for the day and cranking it up when you return,  will keep your electric bill down. It takes more energy to heat up than to sustain heat.

Remember, your heat not only warms the air in your apartment but your furniture, appliances and walls as well. If all that gets too cold, it will keep your apartment colder. Having your blinds and curtains closed can also help keep your apartment warm.

If your heat isn't working and the office is closed, switch your thermostat to emergency heat and call the office in the morning. Our service team is unable to work on heaters after hours. They are happy to take care of anything the following morning. During extreme cold it is normal to have a temperature variance of 2-5 degrees. Heat pumps struggle when it is really cold for an extended period of time.

If your power goes out, please call Duke Energy before you call the service team.

Did you know? You can schedule an appointment with the service team to learn how to properly use your fireplace. Snuggle up with a cup of hot cocoa and a good book. Peppermint Schnapps complements hot cocoa very well for our residents of legal age.

In the event of snow or ice (or both), we do our best to treat walkways and stairs with salt. We are not able to treat the driveway or parking lot. Please use caution when walking or driving in extreme weather and please stay home when possible. If you must travel in inclement weather, feel free to park on higher, flat ground. You can also park in a sunny area that will melt more quickly than a shaded one. Also remember parking first come, first served.

As always, if you have a question please call or email us. Stay Warm!

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